Jandarma teams conducting a search in a vehicle stopped in Şanlıurfa seized 270 scorpions collected from nature without permission. FOUND DURING SURVEILLANCE ACTIVITYThe "HAYDİ" team of the Şanlıurfa Provincial Gendarmerie Command conducted a patrol activity within the scope of "Nature Conservation Activities". During the inspections, a vehicle used by a person named Y.Y. was stopped in Harran Damlasu Neighborhood. 387 THOUSAND TL FINE IMPOSEDDuring the search of the vehicle, 270 live scorpions, collected without permission from nature and transported without a transport document, were found in a transparent container. The scorpions were taken under protection and delivered to the Şanlıurfa Nature Conservation and National Parks Branch Directorate to be released back into nature. The suspect, Y.Y., was fined 387 thousand TL.