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A 24-year-old woman in Guatemala claimed that she died for three hours and came back after speaking with God.

A 24-year-old woman in Guatemala claimed that she died for three hours and came back after speaking with God.

03.07.2024 11:00

24-year-old Mariandree Cárdenas claims to have spent three hours with God on her deathbed and that He showed her the afterlife. After falling into a coma following an asthma attack, Mariandree stated that God told her she needed to return. Now fully recovered, Mariandree believes that her experience was real.

A 24-year-old Mariandree Cárdenas came face to face with death when her throat closed up and she couldn't breathe while working at home. Her face was numb and she couldn't speak. Luckily, before losing her physical mobility, she managed to send a help message to her mother and sister. When they arrived, Mariandree was unconscious.

Mariandree, who is known to have a history of asthma, was taken to the hospital in Guatemala and was intubated by doctors. Mariandree, a graphic designer, said, "The last thing I heard was a nurse or doctor saying 'Goodbye'. Suddenly, I found myself leaving the Earth and being in another place."


Mariandree claims that she met God at this point. "I was in a place without sun, moon, or stars, but filled with light. I was sitting in front of God. I knew he was God because he was the biggest light. I couldn't see his face, but I knew he was smiling," she said.

Mariandree stated that God told her she had to go back. "I didn't understand where and why I had to go back. God said I had to go back 'for love'," she said.


Mariandree mentioned that the three hours she spent in heaven were three days on Earth. With the necessary rest and care, she was able to return home the next day. Mariandree is now completely healed and still believes that she met God. "This was not a delusion, God wanted to show me what happens after death," she said.

A 24-year-old woman in Guatemala claims she died for three hours and came back after talking to God
A 24-year-old woman in Guatemala claims she died for three hours and came back after talking to God
A 24-year-old woman in Guatemala claims she died for three hours and came back after talking to God
A 24-year-old woman in Guatemala claims she died for three hours and came back after talking to God

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