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A father of 2 children in Denizli committed suicide due to depression.

A father of 2 children in Denizli committed suicide due to depression.

10.09.2024 15:10

In an incident that took place in the district of Bozkurt in Denizli, a person who was in distress due to family problems took their own life by shooting themselves. Upon hearing the incident, the citizens came across the lifeless body of the person.

The incident occurred in the İnceler neighborhood of Bozkurt district in Denizli. According to the information obtained, Mehmet Kaşıkçı (39), who was allegedly in distress due to family problems, shot himself with a hunting rifle he brought with him in the rural area of his neighborhood. Local residents who heard the gunshots found Mehmet Kaşıkçı lying on the ground covered in blood in the direction where the sound came from.


The residents of the neighborhood reported the incident to the 112 Emergency Health Center. Health and gendarmerie teams were dispatched to the scene. The health teams that arrived at the scene quickly determined that Mehmet Kaşıkçı had passed away. After the necessary examinations, Mehmet Kaşıkçı's body was taken to the Forensic Medicine Morgue for autopsy. Mehmet Kaşıkçı, who was married and had two children, was buried in his village, Bozkurt İnceler Mahallesi. The investigation into the incident is ongoing.

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