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A forbidden love emerged after the suspicious death! They have given rat poison to his brother along with his sister-in-law.

A forbidden love emerged after the suspicious death! They have given rat poison to his brother along with his sister-in-law.

24.05.2024 12:46

It has been revealed that a father of two children, who died suspiciously in the Esenyurt district of Istanbul, was murdered by being given rat poison. The brother of the individual, in his statement to the police, said "I feel guilty" and confessed that he had an illicit affair with his sister-in-law and they planned the murder together. The wife of the deceased person denies the allegations, while the brother and sister-in-law who confessed to the murder have been arrested.

It has been revealed that Eyüp Çevik, a father of two children, was found dead in his home in Esenyurt, Istanbul. The murder came to light when Eyüp Çevik's brother, Hüseyin Çevik, who had gone to Mardin after the incident, confessed, saying "I feel guilty." Hüseyin Çevik said that he and his sister-in-law collaborated and killed his brother Eyüp Çevik by adding rat poison to his meals. Eyüp Çevik's wife, Halime Çevik, denied the allegations. Hüseyin Çevik and his wife Halime Çevik were arrested and sent to prison.

The incident took place on April 28th, Sunday, around 6:00 pm in the Üçevler neighborhood of Esenyurt. Halime Çevik, who went to the market on the day of the incident, noticed that her 37-year-old husband Eyüp Çevik did not move when he came home. Police and medical teams were dispatched to the scene upon Halime Çevik's report. It was determined that Eyüp Çevik had died during the examination. Eyüp Çevik's body, whose death was recorded as "suspicious death," was taken to the Forensic Medicine Morgue for further examination.

While the police were waiting for the results of the examination at the Forensic Medicine Institute, a news from Mardin changed the course of the investigation. Hüseyin Çevik, the brother of Eyüp Çevik, who went to Mardin with Halime Çevik and their two children after the murder, applied to the police and said, "I feel guilty. I want to give a statement about my brother's death."

Hüseyin Çevik claimed that he had a romantic relationship with his sister-in-law and said that they killed his brother by giving him food with rat poison added. Hüseyin Çevik also stated that they planned the murder together with his sister-in-law, saying, "I bought the rat poison. I handed it over to Halime. She was going to add it to his meals. I don't know how she did it. I heard the news of my brother's death." Upon this development, Halime Çevik was detained by the police in Mardin.

After the meeting with the Istanbul Public Prosecutor's Office, the suspects' statements were taken via the SEGBIS (Audio and Visual Informatics System). It was learned that Halime Çevik denied the allegations against her and said that she did not know how her husband died.

After the statements of Hüseyin Çevik and Halime Çevik were taken, they were sent to the courthouse. The suspects were arrested and sent to prison. The exact cause of Eyüp Çevik's death will be determined after the examination at the Forensic Medicine Institute.

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