In Adıyaman, 41-year-old Esma Biçer, a mother of 3 children, was killed by her husband Kemal Biçer by suffocation. The suspect put his wife's body in a bag and threw it into the garden. The incident was revealed with the notification of the neighborhood residents who were disturbed by the smell of the body, and the killer suspect was taken into custody by the police. HE THREW HIS STRANGLED WIFE IN A BAG INTO THE GARDENAccording to allegations, Esma Biçer, 41, who lived in Bahçelievler Neighborhood in the center of Adıyaman, was suffocated and killed by her husband Kemal Biçer for reasons that have not yet been determined. Kemal Biçer, put the body of his murdered wife Esma Biçer in a bag and threw it into the garden. MURDER REVEALED WHEN THE BODY STARTED TO SMELLAfter the body in the bag started to smell, the neighborhood residents who were disturbed by the smell noticed the situation and informed the police. Police teams arrived at the scene in a short time and conducted examinations. After the examination by the police, Esma Biçer's body was taken to Adıyaman Education and Research Hospital Morgue for autopsy. SUSPECTED KILLER HUSBAND IN CUSTODYKemal Biçer, who killed his wife and is a father of 3 children, was captured and taken into custody as a result of the police's efforts. The suspect was taken to the police station for questioning. The investigation is ongoing.