A heartwarming image was shared on social media. A courier received a 20 lira tip from a small child at the address where he delivered an order. The video shared by the courier who received the money quickly went viral on social media. "I Sacrifice Myself for the Family That Raised You"The courier who received the tip described the moment with these words: "I sacrifice myself for the family that raised you. A child around 10-12 years old gave me a 20 lira tip. That humility, tolerance, and the civilization he has learned is enough. He hands it to me at the door, saying, 'Brother, forgive me, you go through so many hardships to get here.' He says, 'This is all I have' and gives me the money from his pocket. It is fitting for us to give this to someone in need." HE GAVE THE MONEY TO GIRLSIn the shared footage, it is seen that the courier, who got on his motorcycle, encountered two little girls selling water at a red light. The courier, who gave the money saying, "A brother sent this from over there. Share it together, okay?" then continues on his way. Many users on social media commented, "Well done to you" on those moments.