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A precedent decision from Bolu Municipality! The fine for littering is 14,407 lira.

A precedent decision from Bolu Municipality! The fine for littering is 14,407 lira.

25.09.2024 11:21

Bolu Mayor Tanju Özcan continues to take strict measures for environmental cleanliness. He announced that a fine of 14,407 Turkish Lira would be imposed on those who litter, leave cigarette butts, and sunflower seed shells on the ground as of July 31. Özcan shared on social media that a citizen who threw trash from their car received this fine. Mayor Özcan warned everyone considering littering in Bolu, emphasizing that they would face the consequences of such behavior.

Bolu Mayor Tanju Özcan continues to implement strict measures regarding the cleanliness of the city. Özcan announced on July 31 that a fine of up to 14,407 lira would be imposed on individuals who throw cigarette butts, sunflower seed shells, and trash on the ground, as well as those who spit on the ground. Özcan, who imposes thousands of lira in fines on those who pollute parks and streets, shared a new example of a penalty.


A citizen who threw trash from a car was fined 14,407 TL. Mayor Özcan shared this situation on his social media account with MOBESE footage. In his post, he stated, "We are watching you! 85% of the city is monitored by cameras. There is no more throwing trash from cars and getting away with it. This citizen paid his fine of 14,407 TL, get well soon. From now on, everyone considering throwing trash on the ground in Bolu should think twice," he expressed.

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