10.02.2025 10:51
Nilay Evin, an actress from the series "Inci Taneleri," confessed on Hasan Can Kaya's program "Konuşanlar" that her cousin's husband has feelings for her. The moments that drew reactions on social media were removed from the broadcast.
Nilay, who participated in Hasan Can Kaya's program called Konuşanlar, received criticism on social media. She revealed that her cousin's husband has a crush on her and turned out to be an actress from İnci Taneleri.
Evin, who stated that she was one of the dancers behind Dilber in İnci Taneleri, made a surprising confession during the program.
"It turns out my cousin's husband has a crush on me. I go to my cousin's house every day, but I can't tell her 'Your husband has a crush on me,'" she surprised everyone by saying. Hasan Can Kaya, laughing and saying "Uncle-in-law craziness," asked, "How did you find out that he likes you?" to which she replied, "His wife told me. They've been together for 20 years, and I've been regularly visiting my cousin for almost a year."
When asked by Hasan Can Kaya, "If he weren't your cousin, would you find him attractive?" the woman answered, "I did. Then one day, my cousin was in the bathroom, and the guy was looking into my eyes, then he started saying something, and I said, 'Stop it, you're being ridiculous.' Just as I was about to get up, he said, 'Nilay, I like you.' Tomorrow, my cousin is going to come back. I told him that such a thing wouldn't happen. My cousin loves her husband very much, but it turns out his eyes were on me..." she explained.
Hasan Can Kaya pointed out the seriousness of the situation by saying, "Are they still married if I broadcast this..." Nilay laughed and replied, "Never mind, broadcast it. I didn't say which cousin it is; I have five cousins."
Those moments drew great reactions on social media. The moments that attracted reactions on social media were removed from the broadcast.