A 23-year-old woman named Nisa Akdere, living in the Pazarcık district of Kahramanmaraş, was attacked by an unknown person, Y.E.Y., while walking alone on the sidewalk on the morning of January 16, Thursday. Those moments were recorded second by second by a security camera of a business. "A VEIL FELL OVER MY RIGHT EYE"Describing the terrifying moments she experienced, the young girl said, "I live in the Pazarcık district. Every weekday, I walked the same route at the same time towards my workplace. The date was January 16, Thursday. I was very close to my workplace. I was attacked by a person coming from the opposite direction. He hit my left eye, and for a moment, I fell to the ground and couldn't get back up. A veil fell over my right eye, and blood flowed from my left eye. After screaming for help, I don't remember anything. I don't remember who took me to the hospital or who helped me," she said. SUSPECT IDENTIFIED FROM SECURITY CAMERAUpon notification, the teams of the Pazarcık District Police Department's Public Order Bureau identified and apprehended the suspect from the security camera footage. The suspect was released by the court with judicial control conditions. ARRESTED UPON APPEALThe Pazarcık Chief Public Prosecutor's Office appealed to a higher court for the detention of Y.E.Y. The suspect, who was taken into custody again, was arrested by the court to which he was re-presented and sent to prison.