31.10.2024 17:40
The former chairman of the CHP, Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu, made a call for 'Sine-i Millet' on social media following the arrest of Esenyurt Mayor Ahmet Özer. Kılıçdaroğlu stated that the judiciary has been rendered ineffective, saying, "There is no negotiation, there is struggle."
The former chairman of the main opposition party CHP, Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu, made a 'Sine-i Millet' call on his social media account.
Reactions from CHP and DEM Party are growing following the arrest of Esenyurt Mayor Ahmet Özer on charges of membership in a terrorist organization. In a statement on his social media account, former CHP Chairman Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu stated that the judiciary has been rendered ineffective, saying, "There is no negotiation, there is struggle."
Kılıçdaroğlu used the following expressions in his statement: The judiciary and the executive have come under the command of a single man. Our legislative body has been rendered ineffective. All positions requiring merit have been filled with incompetent individuals who obey unlawful orders. Oversight mechanisms have been destroyed. Transparency and accountability have been eliminated. Opposing politicians, journalists, intellectuals, students, artists, and everyone who stands against them have been intimidated with lawsuits and prison sentences. In the climate of fear created, society has been made passive. Immorality and corruption have become normalized and institutionalized. With the metaphor of "foreign powers," which they never cease to mention, they have established a mass that will remain loyal to them and a single-man regime. They appointed so-called prosecutors who would strictly obey their orders and carry out all kinds of unlawful acts, and through them, they have disregarded the will of the nation. We are faced with such an immoral structure. We do not face a single person; there is a structure that has been taken over by imperial powers and holds all the power, acting on their orders. Therefore, I repeat from here: There is no negotiation, there is struggle... The only way to our liberation from the palace and its useful apparatus is: Sine-i Millet. We do not accept any unlawfulness or the absurdity of trustees imposed on a politician elected by the people's legitimate votes.
Returning to Sine-i Millet is an expression used to mean continuing politics among the people by withdrawing from the Grand National Assembly of Turkey (TBMM), which is thought to have lost its political representation legitimacy in Turkey's political history. Although it has been expressed by many politicians throughout Turkish history, it has not been practically implemented by any political party until now.