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AK Party Mardin Provincial Chairman Vahap Alma has resigned.

AK Party Mardin Provincial Chairman Vahap Alma has resigned.

27.06.2024 19:00

AK Party Mardin Provincial Chairman Vahap Alma has announced his resignation from his position. In his statement, Alma used the following words: "In order to ease the burden on our President and the Central Headquarters, my request for resignation has been accepted after consultations and evaluations."

AK Party Mardin Provincial Chairman Vahap Alma announced his resignation in a press statement without breaking his current HTML. Alma said, "It should not be forgotten that this is neither a beginning nor an end. Whatever task is given to us again, we are ready to serve under the command of our leader and our party.".


In his statement at the party building, Alma said that he has been serving as the AK Party Mardin Provincial Chairman since March 13, 2023, with the approval of President Erdogan. Alma stated that they have overcome many difficulties and achieved successful works with party members during this period, and expressed that they have carried out studies for the further development of Mardin in every field.

AK Party Mardin Provincial Chairman Vahap Alma resigns


Alma, who stated that he submitted his resignation request to the AK Party Headquarters about 1.5 months ago, said the following:

"My resignation request was accepted after consultations and evaluations to ease the hand of our President and our Headquarters. Please forgive this brother who always tries to fulfill his duty without resorting to show and ostentation. We had our own rights and good days with each of you. I am pleased with you, and may Allah be pleased with you too. It should not be forgotten that this is neither a beginning nor an end. Whatever task is given to us again, we are ready to serve under the command of our leader and our party."

Alma added that Hikmet Bülent Gözü will temporarily assume the position of Provincial Chairman. Hikmet Bülent Gözü also thanked Alma for his services.

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