Arçelik has announced the decision to suspend production activities and close the washing machine and cooker appliances business and plastic ancillary industry business in Lodz, Poland, as well as the refrigerator business in Wroclaw, due to inefficiency. "PRODUCTION WILL CEASE BY THE FIRST HALF OF 2025"In a statement sent to the Public Disclosure Platform (KAP) by Arçelik, it was stated that "as a result of the analysis conducted to achieve the targeted synergies in Arçelik's European operations, it has been decided to suspend production activities and close the washing machine and cooker appliances business and plastic ancillary industry business in Lodz, Poland, as well as the refrigerator business in Wroclaw, due to inefficiency. It is aimed to cease production activities by the first half of 2025." The statement also mentioned that it is planned to transfer the capacity utilization of the businesses to other companies owned by the company, and it is expected that the closure of these facilities will result in a consolidated level of revenue loss. It was stated that one-time expenses that may arise due to the closure will be disclosed to the public through financial statements when they become clear. 1800 PEOPLE WILL BE LAID OFFThe statement also mentioned that as a result of the closure of the factories, 1800 people will be laid off, and it was stated that negotiations with the union will be held to determine the severance and notice pay for the workers.