"Doctors" series' "Kader" character Aysun Kayacı, settled in London after marrying Efe Kapancı in 2012. Preferring a simpler life, Kayacı became a trending topic on X platform. In addition to staying away from the screen, the famous model, who does not use social media, comes to Turkey for vacation in the summer. Aysun Kayacı was spotted last year at her home in Türkbükü, Bodrum, showcasing her transformation. Years ago, the former model, who made a mark with her words "Is my vote the same as a shepherd's vote?" and drew reactions, said, "I regretted the moment I said it. I love my country and its people very much." Kayacı has now come back into the spotlight on X with her statement from a program in 2010: "What saddens me is that people cannot express their opinions. This is not a good thing for the country. A country where new ideas are not discussed will not go anywhere."