Social media phenomenon Danla Bilic, who said "There are no men left in Turkey" when she was a guest on Hülya Avşar's YouTube program, announced shortly after that she started a new relationship with a younger jockey. Danla Bilic has found the love she was looking for. The phenomenon, who revealed a younger jockey boyfriend a few weeks ago, shared a photo with her young love. Years ago, Danla Bilic started her YouTube career with her unique makeup videos, and she is currently being talked about a lot for both her aesthetics and her private life. Bilic's happiness, who was last in a relationship with national goalkeeper Doğan Alemdar, was short-lived as she suddenly broke up with her boyfriend. Recently, while being a guest on Hülya Avşar's YouTube program, Bilic said, "There are no men left in Turkey," once again drawing all the attention to herself. "I HAVE A NEW RELATIONSHIP"Danla Bilic, who expresses her love for horses at every opportunity, recently mentioned her boyfriend at a university event, saying, "I have a new relationship. He can be considered your age as well." Danla Bilic, who is in a relationship with jockey Berk Çetin, made a post with her boyfriend. It hasn't gone unnoticed that Danla Bilic constantly dates younger men.