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Drunk driver crashes down the cliff! Fighting for life in the hospital.

Drunk driver crashes down the cliff! Fighting for life in the hospital.

28.06.2024 09:42

The driver of a light commercial vehicle in Mersin hit a young girl walking on the side of the road after overtaking a minibus and losing control. The young girl, who fell from a high distance, was severely injured while it was determined that the driver was under the influence of alcohol.

A horrifying accident occurred when a drunk driver in Mersin tried to overtake a minibus. Unaware of what was about to happen, a young girl walking on the sidewalk was thrown down along with the wall that collapsed when the car hit it. The security camera recorded the moments second by second.


The accident took place on Gazi Mustafa Kemal Boulevard in the Pirireis neighborhood of the central Yenişehir district. The light commercial vehicle driven by Ercan E., traveling from Erdemli towards the market, first collided with the minibus in front of it that it was trying to overtake.

Drunk driver throws young girl down by hitting her! She is fighting for her life in the hospital


The out-of-control vehicle hit 21-year-old Beyza M., who was walking as a pedestrian along with the garbage container on the side of the road, and threw her down. While the car involved in the accident remained suspended on the edge of the bridge, the young girl, who fell from a height of approximately 3 meters, was severely injured.

Drunk driver throws young girl down by hitting her! She is fighting for her life in the hospital


Injured Beyza M. was taken to Mersin City Hospital by ambulance and admitted to the intensive care unit. Meanwhile, it was determined that the driver of the vehicle, Ercan E., was drunk at the time of the accident. The suspect was taken into custody and later referred to the courthouse after the necessary procedures.

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