BBC Sport presenter Emma Jones shared a fun video revealing the disturbing messages she received on social media. In the video titled 'DM Helpline', the host schooled her followers who sent inappropriate messages. Addressing a follower named "Brian" who sent lewd messages under the pretext of New Year celebrations, Jones joked, "Learn how to behave when messaging a woman. For example, you could start with 'Hello, how are you?'" In her video, Jones noted, "While celebrating the New Year, think of the DM Helpline volunteers working to keep the 'Brians' of the internet in check," which garnered a lot of appreciation. In January 2024, the famous presenter prepared a similar video, sharing inappropriate messages from a follower named "Roger." Jones aims to draw attention to the harassment issue on social media through humor. While her colleagues and followers appreciate Jones's creative response, they emphasize the need to prevent the harassment that women face on social media.