Famous singer Nez shared screenshots of an ugly message she received on social media. The person, who claims to be a member of the Fenerbahçe congress on their profile, wrote to Nez, "What could 3,000 - 4,000 dollars get you, Ms. Nez?" The singer responded by saying she would take legal action, practically breathing fire. Nez continued her words, starting with "You've gone too far": "Please write two words to this person, you've gone too far. You are very rude. Shame on you, really, shame on you. And you claim to be a member of the Fenerbahçe congress. You even have a photo of your child. 'The account was hacked', 'someone else wrote it', blah blah... You've gone too far... Be ashamed, but you don't even have that shame." On the other hand, the famous singer received messages from Fenerbahçe fans. Nez also shared the supportive messages she received.