In the popular series Kızılcık Şerbeti on Show TV, Feyza Civelek, who plays the role of Nilay, has once again revealed parts of the script. Civelek recently disclosed a part of the script related to Nursema and Firaz. This time, the famous actress shared another clue with the audience. Appearing on Sibel Arna's YouTube channel program "Ne Olursan Ol Rahat Ol," Civelek stated regarding her character, "Nilay may come out of her hijab before the season ends." "A MONKEY WILL COME TO THE HOUSE"Civelek announced that a monkey will be included in the series, saying, "It will come to the house. I will hide it and take care of it." The actress's statements caused a significant stir on social media. In a previous interview, Civelek had also talked about the Nilay character and mentioned that her headscarf might come off.