While the world continues to fight against the coronavirus, which has caused the death of more than 6 million people, the monkeypox virus, which has recently emerged and has been warned by the World Health Organization, continues to pose a threat. CLAIM CAUSES GREAT PANICCitizens, who are concerned that the virus will turn into a new pandemic, are closely following the developments. Today, a claim made in Iskenderun caused a panic. STATEMENT FROM THE DISTRICT GOVERNOR DEMİRYÜREKNews about the detection of monkeypox cases at Iskenderun State Hospital caused panic, but the denial regarding the allegations came from Iskenderun District Governor Murat Sefa Demiryürek. Demiryürek made the following statement on his social media account regarding the monkeypox virus claim; "The information circulating on some social media accounts that 'monkeypox cases have been detected at Iskenderun State Hospital' does not reflect the truth. There are no monkeypox patients diagnosed or treated at hospitals in Iskenderun."