The film "Babygirl," starring Nicole Kidman and Harris Dickinson, continues to be a topic of conversation on social media due to its bold scenes. Moments where Samuel, played by Harris Dickinson, drinks milk from the lips of Romy, the character portrayed by Nicole Kidman, have caught the attention of viewers. Kidman explained the meaning of the milk used in many scenes of the film as representing "power and relationship dynamics." In an interview with Hits Radio, Kidman stated, "Milk, cookies, and all these sensory things are used in the power struggle." The famous actress also added that she had to drink about 16 glasses of milk while shooting that scene. THE PLOT OF BABYGIRLThe film revolves around the story of a character named Romy, played by Kidman. Romy is a workaholic woman who is the CEO of a successful technology company and has a mundane married life with her theater director husband Jacob (Banderas), with whom she has been married for about 20 years. The couple's sexuality has become monotonous over time. To fulfill her secret fantasies, Romy begins an illicit affair with the young intern Samuel (Dickinson) at her company.