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He had brutally beaten his pregnant wife in the middle of the street! The requested sentence has been revealed.

He had brutally beaten his pregnant wife in the middle of the street! The requested sentence has been revealed.

24.09.2024 19:11

The trial of Yılmaz Akman, who beat his pregnant partner Sude Naz A. on the street while they were religiously married, has begun in Manisa. Akman stated that the incident occurred under the influence of alcohol and expressed remorse. The judge emphasized that alcohol cannot be an excuse. A prison sentence of up to 6.5 years is being sought for Akman.


Yılmaz Akman, who was arrested after brutally beating his pregnant partner Sude Naz A. with a religious marriage in the Akhisar district of Manisa, has begun to be tried with a request for up to 6.5 years in prison. In his defense, Akman stated that he committed the act under the influence of alcohol, saying, "I regret it." In response, the court judge said that the act was done consciously and that one cannot hide behind alcohol.

The incident occurred on August 16 on Şehit Teğmen Tahir Ün Street in the Paşa neighborhood of Akhisar. Yılmaz Akman suddenly began to beat Sude Naz A., who was 5.5 weeks pregnant and whom he could not convince to go to the village. Akman knocked Sude Naz A. to the ground with punches. Continuing to punch Sude Naz A. on the ground, Akman then struck her with a metal brush handle he had picked up. Their 3-year-old son witnessed the incident, while bystanders watched Akman's violence for a long time without reacting.

One of the bystanders approached to intervene, but retreated when Yılmaz Akman shouted, "Get away!" While Sude Naz A. screamed, "Brother, I'm pregnant, help!" a passerby tried to stop Akman. Local shopkeepers supported this person and rescued Sude Naz A. Then, the bystanders began to beat Akman. Police teams dispatched to the area upon notification rescued Akman from the crowd, and those moments were recorded by a citizen on a mobile phone. Yılmaz Akman was detained, while Sude Naz A. was taken to the hospital. After his procedures at the Akhisar District Police Department, Akman was arrested. Sude Naz A., who was reported to have received 3 stitches on her head and was in good condition, was discharged after her treatment, and a protection order was issued for her. It was noted that Yılmaz Akman, against whom Sude Naz A. filed a complaint, had 18 criminal records and went to sign for judicial control three days a week.

Describing the events of the day, Sude Naz A. said, "I never saw my mother. My aunt raised me. I lost my father three years ago. That's why I believed and trusted Yılmaz at a young age. He had previously abused me many times, but I turned a blind eye every time because we have a child. He was using a lot of alcohol and other substances. He had promised me that he wouldn't use them. When he broke his promise, I left him. Three days before the incident, I blocked him on the phone and everywhere. He wanted to come home, but I didn't let him in. On the day of the incident, I went out to buy clothes for my son and personal hygiene products for myself. I was walking with bags in my hands. Yılmaz was actually following me. When my son saw me, he shouted, 'Dad' and ran towards him. I followed my child to prevent him from being hit by a car. If my child hadn't run to his father, maybe we wouldn't have been seen. At that moment, Yılmaz came to me and tried to take me to the village. When I didn't want to go, he started punching me. I fell to the ground, and the bags I was holding flew to the sides. While I was being beaten, I cried out, 'Brother, I'm pregnant, help!' but no one helped. Everyone watched me get beaten for a long time. I was more upset about the incident happening in front of my child and what he experienced at that moment than the beating I received. I got pregnant at 16. I didn't want an official marriage to receive my father's pension. Because I was afraid that Yılmaz couldn't take care of my child and we couldn't make ends meet since he didn't work. I am also 5.5 weeks pregnant, and I will have an abortion," she said.


Meanwhile, the Akhisar Chief Public Prosecutor's Office has completed its investigation into the incident. The prosecutor requested a prison sentence of up to 6.5 years for Yılmaz Akman, who was arrested after the incident, on charges of 'deliberately injuring a woman who cannot defend herself in terms of physical and mental health' and 'public insult.' Akman's statement was also included in the indictment. In his statement, Akman said, "Sude Naz and I have been living apart for a long time. That day, my brother and I were going to take her to the village. My brother picked us up by car. While we were on the road, Sude Naz wanted to get out of the car. My brother stopped the car. Sude Naz got out of the car. I followed her towards the market. For no reason, when she started shouting, 'Help me,' I started to punch her. I don't remember how much I hit. Someone there poked me with a stick to separate us. I took that stick and beat Sude Naz. I continued to hit her after taking a stick from someone," he said.

The first hearing of the case was held today at the Akhisar 4th Criminal Court of First Instance. The detained defendant Yılmaz Akman participated in the hearing via the Audio and Visual Information System (SEGBİS), while the complainant Sude Naz A. took her place in the courtroom. In his defense during the hearing, defendant Akman stated that he committed the act under the influence of alcohol, saying, "I regret it." In response, the court judge stated that the act was done consciously and that one cannot hide behind alcohol. Complainant Sude Naz A. also stated in her testimony that she had been with Yılmaz Akman for 4 years, saying, "On the day of the incident, while I was in the market with my disabled son, Yılmaz forced us to go to the village. This led to an argument between us. I want the continuation of his detention." Witnesses were also heard during the hearing.


After hearing the parties, the court judge decided to continue the detention of defendant Akman, to hear other witnesses, and to wait for the report from the forensic medicine institution, and adjourned the hearing to October 18. After the hearing, Fatih Meriç, a member of the Manisa Bar Association's Board of Directors, stated that they had submitted their requests to participate as the Women's and Children's Rights Commission of the Manisa Bar Association and said they would follow the case. Emine Güven, the President of the CHP Akhisar District Women's Branch, also stated that they were following the hearing and that they were against all forms of violence against women and would follow the case.


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