In a shocking incident on the ATV screens, a mind-boggling event took place on the program Müge Anlı ile Tatlı Sert. Abdülhalim, who met his forbidden love through social media, appeared on the show with Seher, seeking help to find his runaway wife. It was revealed that Abdülhalim had been abandoned by his girlfriend, who had been involved with him in exchange for money, olives, cheese, and pickles. "SEHER GAVE ME PEACE, HER SCENT IS EVERYWHERE"Appearing alone on the show, Abdülhalim said that Seher had left him yesterday, saying "I'm going to the bank," and he couldn't reach her. Crying and addressing Seher, Abdülhalim said, "After the show yesterday, I took her to the doctor, she had fatty liver. We got her tests done and she told me, 'My love, you go home, I'll withdraw money from the bank.' Then she never came back. I looked at the parks and cafes in the evening. I couldn't sleep a wink all night. I love her so much, it's not like you think. I don't love my wife. My girlfriend Seher gave me peace. My house is very dark right now, it would be better if I went to prison. Her scent is everywhere. I'm 47 years old and I haven't found anyone like her. I only want Seher in my life. I have an Islamic marriage with Seher, and as soon as I divorce my wife, I will have an official wedding with her." MÜGE ANLI GOT ANGRYMüge Anlı, who was angered by Abdülhalim's words, said, "Is someone teaching you these words? You said the same things about your wife yesterday. We will be repelled by men because of you." HE WAS REVEALED TO BE A GIGOLOAbdülhalim, who shocked everyone by appearing on the show with his forbidden love, was revealed to be a gigolo. He said that his 26-year-old wife sent him to other women's houses in exchange for money. "I used to meet women and get paid on my days off, and my wife was okay with it. Sometimes I would get pickles, cheese, olives, and pickled vegetables. Whatever was at home at that moment... I'm not taking it by force. I was buying them because my wife liked pickles and vine leaves. I couldn't go anywhere in Istanbul without her consent. She consented, but now she denies everything. My wife was selling me to other women for money. She was selling me, what am I supposed to do?" he said.