29.03.2025 08:50
The most profitable investment instruments of the week have been revealed. These investment tools, which offer high profit rates to their investors, ranked among the most preferred options of the week. As a dynamic week in the investment world comes to an end, the profitable investment instruments have brought smiles to the faces of investors.
While stocks traded on Borsa Istanbul gained an average of 6.80% on a weekly basis, the dollar/TL decreased by 0.01%, the euro/TL decreased by 0.53%, and the gram price of gold recorded an increase of 2.15%.
The BIST 100 index completed the week at 9,659.48 points, which is 6.80% above the previous week's closing, after seeing a low of 8,872.75 points and a high of 9,830.83 points. The gram selling price of 24-carat gold traded in the Grand Bazaar increased by 2.15% this week to 3,750 lira, and the selling price of the republic gold rose by 2.13% to 25,375 lira. The selling price of the quarter gold, which was 6,152 lira last weekend, increased by 2.10% to 6,281 lira.
This week, the US dollar decreased by 0.01% to 38.0100 lira, while the euro fell by 0.53% to 41.1260 lira. Investment funds lost 0.51% this week, and pension funds lost 0.92%. When looking at the categories, the best-performing investment funds were the "money market" funds, which gained 0.40%.