08.03.2025 11:30
The year 2030 will go down in history as one of those special occasions. The month of Ramadan will begin in January and last for a month. However, at the end of the year, Ramadan will start again in December. Thus, Muslims will have fasted twice in 2030.
The Hijri calendar is approximately 10-12 days shorter than the Gregorian calendar, which is why the month of Ramadan starts a little earlier each year. This cycle completes approximately every 33 years, and Ramadan returns to the same date. Therefore, notable situations arise in certain special years.
The year 2030 will go down in history as one of these special situations. The month of Ramadan will begin in January and last for a month. However, at the end of the year, Ramadan will start again in December. Thus, Muslims will observe the Ramadan fast twice in 2030. The following year, in 2031, Ramadan will coincide with the winter months in the northern hemisphere. During this period, when the days are the shortest, the fasting duration will also be at its lowest level.
While the shortest fasting duration will be experienced in 2031, the opposite situation will occur in 2047. This year, Ramadan will coincide with June, and fasting will take place during the longest days. Especially in the northern hemisphere, in countries where the days last more than 18-20 hours, the fasting duration will be quite long.