In the Karasu district of Sakarya, during a Super Amateur League match, a fight broke out involving fans and officials, resulting in one person becoming blind due to a stone hit to the eye. Five people were detained in connection with the incident. After the match between Darıçayırıspor and Sapanca Kurtköyspor in the Super Amateur League, the Darıçayırıspor fans, who left the Karasu City Stadium defeated, attacked the officials and fans of Sapanca Kurtköyspor. 1 PERSON BECAME BLINDIn a brawl where stones, kicks, and punches were flying, M.K.K. was injured in the right eye due to a stone hit. The fight was only brought to an end with difficulty by the intervention of the police and guards using tear gas. M.K.K., who was injured in the fight, was transferred to Sakarya Training and Research Hospital. It was learned that the individual became blind in the right eye due to the stone hit. In connection with the incident, Darıçayırıspor fans T.Y., C.E., Y.S., E.A.A., and M.E. were detained.