During the sewer line works carried out by the Provincial Special Administration teams in the garden of the Burdur Teacher's House last Sunday, human bones were discovered, prompting the dispatch of police and crime scene investigation teams to the area. The teams cordoned off the area with tape. Faculty members from the Department of Anthropology at Burdur Mehmet Akif Ersoy University visited the teacher's house garden yesterday and conducted work in the area. The bones extracted by the academics were taken to the MAKÜ Anthropology Laboratory for examination. IT IS THOUGHT THAT THE BONES BELONG TO 6 OR 7 PEOPLEAfter the academics completed their work, the area from which the bones were extracted was covered with soil with the approval of the Burdur Museum Directorate. On the other hand, it was stated that the bone fragments found by the crime scene investigation teams on the first day would also be delivered to MAKÜ. The bones, which are estimated to belong to 6 or 7 individuals, will be cleaned and examined in the laboratory in the coming days, and the report prepared by the academics will be submitted to the relevant institutions.