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In China, a gaming addict husband blinded his wife by beating her because she refused to give him money for games.

In China, a gaming addict husband blinded his wife by beating her because she refused to give him money for games.

17.09.2024 15:00

In China, Lao Chunxue was beaten and blinded by her husband Xie after she refused to finance his gaming addiction. Xie attacked her when his request for 10,000 yuan was denied. After three months in a coma, Lao lost her vision. Xie was sentenced to 11 years in prison and ordered to pay 657,000 yuan in compensation. The incident sparked a debate about domestic violence and rushed marriages in China. Social media emphasized the inadequacy of the punishment and the need to take violence seriously.

The life of 28-year-old Lao Chunxue from Inner Mongolia, China, tragically changed two months after her marriage. Her husband Xie brutally beat her and permanently blinded her because she refused to finance his gaming addiction.

The couple met through a relative in 2022 and got married shortly after. They moved to the Henan province to look for work, but Xie's gaming addiction worsened over time. On March 19, 2023, Xie demanded 10,000 yuan (approximately $1,400) from his wife. When Lao refused, Xie started punching and hitting her with a frying pan.

During the attack, Xie's mother instigated him over the phone. The incident ended with the intervention of Lao's cousin. After three months in a coma, Lao woke up to discover that she was blind. Doctors diagnosed her with optic atrophy caused by intracranial hemorrhage and declared the damage to be permanent.

Lao's family spent hundreds of thousands of yuan on treatment and mortgaged their house. Xie's family only contributed 36,000 yuan ($5,000). On August 30, the court sentenced Xie to 11 years in prison and ordered him to pay 657,000 yuan ($93,000) in compensation.

This incident sparked discussions about domestic violence and rushed marriages in China. Many people on social media emphasized that Xie's punishment was insufficient and that such crimes should not be taken lightly as "domestic violence."

The case once again highlighted the importance of pre-marital couples getting to know each other better and being cautious of potential dangers.

Gaming-addicted husband in China blinds his wife by beating her for not giving him money for games
Gaming-addicted husband in China blinds his wife by beating her for not giving him money for games
Gaming-addicted husband in China blinds his wife by beating her for not giving him money for games

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