İşte metnin İngilizce çevirisi, HTML yapısını bozmadan:
İstanbul fake alcohol tragedy! In the last 24 hours, 38 people who consumed fake alcohol applied to the hospital with poisoning complaints across the city. Out of the 38 applicants, 11 people lost their lives. 38 PEOPLE APPLIED TO THE HOSPITALAccording to the information obtained, 38 people who were poisoned by fake alcohol were taken to the hospital within the last day in Istanbul. Those who applied to the hospital in various districts of Istanbul were placed under treatment. It was learned that 26 of the applicants were foreign nationals. 11 PEOPLE LOST THEIR LIVES11 people whose condition worsened while under treatment could not be saved despite all interventions and lost their lives. The investigation launched regarding the incident is ongoing.
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