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Israel To Decide Itself How To Respond To Iran's Attack, Netanyahu Says

17.04.2024 18:27

Israel has vowed to respond to Iran’s weekend attack.

Israel will decide itself on how to respond to Iran's weekend attack, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said on Wednesday.

"I thank our friends for supporting Israel's defense—support both in words and in deeds," Netanyahu said during a Cabinet meeting, according to a statement by his office.

"They also have all kinds of suggestions and advice. I appreciate those, but I want to make it clear: We will make our own decisions, and the State of Israel will do everything necessary to defend itself," he added.

Netanyahu's statements appear to reject international pressure on his government to avoid any military response to the Iranian attack.

The Israeli premier met early Wednesday with British Foreign Secretary David Cameron and German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock.

According to a statement released by his office, Netanyahu reiterated during the meeting that Israel would maintain its right to self-defense.

Iran launched a drone and missile attack on Israel on Saturday, which Tehran said was in response to the April 1 attack on its consulate in Syria, in which at least 13 people were killed, including seven military advisers.

Israel has vowed to respond to the Iranian attack.

*Writing by Mohammad Sio in Istanbul -

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