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Israel To Discuss Timetable For Gaza War With Biden's National Security Chief

14.12.2023 14:27

Israel plans to end current phase of intensified bombardment by end of January under proposed timetable, according to local media.

Israeli officials will discuss a timetable for the ongoing war on the Gaza Strip with US National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan, according to local media on Thursday.

Sullivan arrived in Israel on Thursday for a two-day visit during which he will meet with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, President Isaac Herzog and senior officials to discuss the Gaza war.

According to Israeli Channel 12, Israel plans to end the current phase of intensified bombardment by the end of January under its proposed timetable.

Washington aimed to end the war by early January, but Israel does not see this possible, the broadcaster said.

"Israel says a few more weeks will be needed after the end of the fighting to complete the withdrawal of its forces from the heart of the Gaza Strip and redeploy them in defensive lines, some inside the strip and others outside," the channel said.

"The next stage, which is expected to be longer, is to complete the mission of eliminating Hamas," it added.

Israel estimates that destroying Hamas' military capabilities will take place throughout 2024.

"The most important thing is that Israel aims to maintain security control (over Gaza) for the foreseeable future," the channel said.

"This seems to be a realistic timetable that both Israel and the US can agree on. In addition to this, the Americans see great importance in the humanitarian issue for Gaza's population," it added.

US President Joe Biden said on Tuesday that Israel was losing support around the world amid the ongoing war on the Gaza Strip.

Israel has bombarded the Gaza Strip from the air and land, imposed a siege and mounted a ground offensive in retaliation for a cross-border attack by Hamas on Oct. 7.

At least 18,608 Palestinians have been killed and 50,594 injured in the Israeli onslaught since then, according to Gaza's health authorities.

The Israeli death toll in the Hamas attack stood at 1,200, while around 139 hostages remained in captivity, according to official figures.

*Writing by Mohammad Sio -

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