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Kemal Sunal's film 'The Laughing Man' became a reality: He cannot attend funerals because he is constantly laughing.

Kemal Sunal's film 'The Laughing Man' became a reality: He cannot attend funerals because he is constantly laughing.

27.06.2024 19:32

Ali Tutar, who works as a tire repairman in Adana, said that he cannot attend funerals because he is constantly laughing. Tutar, who expresses that he constantly laughs like the character in the movie 'Gülen Adam' starring Kemal Sunal, says, "My jaw doesn't hurt. I work in 60-degree heat. It doesn't matter to me, I can never get angry."

In the district of Kozan in Adana, Kemal Sunal's movie "The Laughing Man" became a reality. Tire repairman Ali Tutar said that he couldn't attend funerals because he constantly laughs. The movie "The Laughing Man", directed by Kartal Tibet, starring Kemal Sunal and portraying the character Yusuf Şaplak, is happening in Kozan. Married and father of two, tire repairman Ali Tutar (42) laughs constantly just like the character in Kemal Sunal's movie.


The shopkeeper known as "Laughing Ali" in the district draws everyone's attention by performing his duties with a smile, regardless of the extreme heat in the region. Tutar, who laughs at everything, cannot attend funerals because of this. Tutar said, "Everyone comes here to laugh. They call me 'Laughing Man Ali Tutar'. Even if the weather is very hot, I laugh. Laughing doesn't tire me. My jaw doesn't hurt. I work in 60 degrees heat. It doesn't matter to me, I can never get angry."


Tutar explained that he struggles the most at funerals, saying, "I struggle the most at funerals. I don't go to funerals much because I have forbidden myself from attending funerals because I laugh. I can't attend other people's funerals except for our own. People come to me more for laughing than for changing tires," he said.

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