Two motorcycle police officers crashed into a barrier on the E-5 Yanyol in Avcılar, Istanbul. One police officer lost his life in the incident, while the other was seriously injured. The incident occurred around 22:30 in the Avcılar area of Istanbul E-5 Yanyol, heading towards Beylikdüzü. According to the information obtained, two police officers on leave riding a motorcycle with the license plate 34 FRZ 112 crashed into the barrier for an unknown reason, resulting in a single-vehicle accident. ONE POLICE OFFICER LOST HIS LIFE, THE CONDITION OF THE OTHER IS SERIOUSIn the accident, police officer Doğan Biçici lost his life at the scene, while the other police officer, Oğuz Göral, was seriously injured. Upon notification, police and medical teams were dispatched to the scene. The seriously injured Göral was taken to the hospital by ambulance, while crime scene investigation teams conducted their work. Biçici's body was taken to the morgue, and traffic congestion occurred on the road due to the accident.