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Important development in the investigation! Yenge Hediye Güran has been requested to be arrested for complicity in the murder.

Important development in the investigation! Yenge Hediye Güran has been requested to be arrested for complicity in the murder.

17.09.2024 13:30

The investigation into the murder of 8-year-old Narin Güran in Diyarbakır is narrowing down. Narin's aunt Hediye Güran and her cousins Ş.K. and İ.K. were taken into custody and sent to the courthouse. While the cousins were released by the prosecutor's office, Hediye Güran was sent to court with the accusation of "participation in intentional murder" and a request for arrest. It was stated that Hediye Güran made confessions in her statements to the gendarmerie that would unravel the knot of the murder.

The investigation into the murder of 8-year-old Narin Güran, who went missing on August 21 in Tavşantepe neighborhood of Bağlar district in Diyarbakır and whose lifeless body was found in Eğertutmaz Stream on September 8, continues by the Diyarbakır Chief Public Prosecutor's Office.


In the investigation into the murder of Narin Güran, yenge Hediye Güran and cousins Ş.K. and İ.K. were taken into custody and referred to the courthouse. Cousins Ş.K. and İ.K. were released after their statements were taken by the prosecutor's office. It was reported that the interrogation of yenge Hediye Güran is still ongoing.

New development in the investigation! Narin's 2 cousins released, yenge's interrogation continues


According to the call records, yenge entered and left the house where Narin lived twice during the minutes when the murder is believed to have been committed. Imprisoned mother Yüksel Güran also stated in her testimony, "I was with Hediye Güran at those hours." Meanwhile, samples were taken regarding the mother's mouth and dental structure.


The samples sent to the Istanbul Forensic Medicine Institute will be compared with the bite marks on Enes Güran's arm, who is the imprisoned brother. The preliminary autopsy report prepared regarding Narin's murder is expected to reach the prosecutor's office in the coming days.

New development in the investigation! Narin's 2 cousins released, yenge's interrogation continues


The 11th person arrested in the investigation was R.A., the 15-year-old worker of uncle Salim Güran. It was revealed that the uncle and his worker had met 5 times after the last sighting of Narin at 15:15. However, the 15-year-old worker stated that he was with his boss Salim Güran all day on August 21, the day Narin went missing.

R.A. also claimed that he did not remember saying "Okay, she is not with me yet, okay she is not dead yet" to Salim Güran, and only mentioned that he briefly left his side to change clothes at 14:00.


As part of the investigation, uncle Salim Güran, who was arrested on September 2, was questioned again by 3 prosecutors conducting the investigation. Güran repeated his previous statements given to the gendarmerie and the prosecutor's office regarding what he did on the day of the incident, and denied the accusations against him. Güran, who claimed that different children got into his car, said, "I have nothing to say about the fact that only Narin's DNA was found."

New development in the investigation! Narin's 2 cousins released, yenge's interrogation continues


When asked by the prosecutor's office, "In the Digital Material Examination Report conducted on the mobile phone seized from you, it was determined that you deleted all normal calls and WhatsApp call records before August 23. Why did you feel the need to delete call records?" Güran stated, "I delete digital data that is constantly on my phone because I meet with prostitutes and I don't want this to be revealed. I do not have any intention of destroying any evidence regarding Narin's death." When asked, "It has been determined that many members of your family have deleted call, messaging, and WhatsApp records on their phones regarding August 21. Why do you think they felt the need to do such a thing?" uncle Güran claimed that he did not know why the family members deleted this data.


Nevzat Bahtiyar, who confessed to hiding Narin Güran's lifeless body in the stream and was arrested, claimed in his statement that uncle Salim Güran threatened him by saying, "I killed Arif's daughter, and you will take this body and get rid of it. Otherwise, I will kill you and your family."

Nevzat Bahtiyar said, "I didn't mention this situation in my previous statement because I was afraid of Salim Güran." Bahtiyar, who previously stated that they put the body in a sack together with the uncle, changed his statement in court and said, "Later, I placed Narin's body alone in the sack in my own residence."

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