Israel, which has been raining bombs on Gaza and killing tens of thousands of Palestinians since October 7, 2023, has killed at least 32 people and injured more than 4,000 in cyber attacks on Hezbollah elements in Lebanon in the past few days. First targeting communication devices, Israel caused the radios to explode like bombs in cyber attacks yesterday, and the incident became the top agenda of the world. IS THERE A SIMILAR ATTACK RISK IN TURKEY?After Israel's cyber attacks, the question of whether there is a similar attack risk in Turkey arises, and Minister of Transport and Infrastructure Abdulkadir Uraloğlu responded to these allegations by saying, "Communication devices are hardly used in Turkey. I can clearly say that there is no risk in Turkey regarding communication devices." WARNED 2 DAYS BEFORE THE ATTACKMeanwhile, it has been revealed that Selçuk Bayraktar, the Chairman of Baykar, made remarks about an extended microphone two days before Israel's first attack on Lebanon. THE FOOTAGE BECAME AGENDAIn the TEKNOFEST Rocket Competition, the footage of Bayraktar's statement "They penetrate into the hours, into the phones. Having our own independent global positioning system is very important and strategic for our sovereignty. We will build this" quickly became the agenda.