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Nihal Candan, who was released from prison, said she hesitates to say something: I'm afraid to express my desire to close.

Nihal Candan, who was released from prison, said she hesitates to say something: I'm afraid to express my desire to close.

27.06.2024 20:20

Nihal Candan, who was accused of being a member of a fraud network and released from prison due to her claim of suffering from a refusal to eat after being arrested, continues to make headlines with her social media posts. Candan, who said she wants to share the verse of the day and close, used the expression "I want to close, but honestly, I hesitate because you might say something about that too..." A comment was made on Candan's post saying, "Were you doing it for Allah while creating content for Onlyfans?"

Nihal Candan, who was arrested on charges of being a member of a fraud gang and claimed to have contracted anorexia (eating disorder), is now attracting attention with her social media posts.

Nihal and Bahar Candan, along with a gang that defrauded many people with the promise of cheap cars, were arrested on November 14, 2023, on charges of acting together. Nihal Candan had contracted a disease called "anorexia nervosa" and was released.

Nihal Candan, who was released from prison, said she wants to cover up: I'm afraid to say anything


Since her release, Nihal Candan has continued her life as if nothing had happened and recently celebrated her birthday, adding the note "not guilty" to her post. Now, Nihal Candan, who is attracting attention with her social media posts, expressed her desire to share the verse of the day and cover up.

Nihal Candan, who was released from prison, said she wants to cover up: I'm afraid to say anything


Nihal Candan, stating that she wants to wake up for the morning prayer, shared a photo with her head covered and said, "I want to cover up, but I'm actually afraid to say anything about it..."

Nihal Candan, who was released from prison, said she wants to cover up: I'm afraid to say anything


Candan's attention-grabbing posts have become one of the most talked about on social media. Candan received comments such as "Were you doing it for Allah while creating content for Onlyfans?", "You should be in prison, justice will prevail eventually", "You're still chasing after show-off."

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