Recently, the MIT has carried out another precision strike in Syria, following a series of successful operations. In the operation conducted in Qamishli, Yayla Kızılkaya, the so-called general responsible for the PKK/PAJK in the Cezire region, was neutralized. JOINED THE TERRORIST ORGANIZATION AT THE AGE OF 14According to information obtained from security sources, the National Intelligence Organization targeted Yayla Kızılkaya, who joined the rural cadres of the PKK at the age of 14, due to her armed activities carried out in Turkey, Iraq, and Syria. WAS RESPONSIBLE FOR IDEOLOGICAL ACTIVITIESKızılkaya, who was in charge of managing the female cadres of the PKK in Syria, held meetings with the female cadres in the regions she visited and inspected them. Kızılkaya was also responsible for the overall coordination of the ideological activities directed towards Syrian women. WAS PROVIDING ORGANIZATION TRAININGKızılkaya, who organized activities for the organization and participation to guide the Syrian people under the organization's control, was providing organization training to ensure that the Syrian people adopted the organization's ideology, were agitated, and acted in favor of the organization. KILLED IN A PRECISION OPERATIONKızılkaya, the so-called general responsible for the PKK/PAJK Cezire Region, had been under long-term surveillance by MIT. With the emergence of the most suitable time for the operation, MIT acted and neutralized Kızılkaya in a precision operation in Syria/Qamishli.