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Private made a striking comment about Bilal Erdoğan! He stated, "If he stepped onto the field, there must be two reasons" and listed them.

Private made a striking comment about Bilal Erdoğan! He stated,

16.09.2024 13:41

While President Erdogan's son Bilal Erdogan's statements about journalist Fatih Altayli and EYT (Retirement for Everyone) created a controversy, CHP (Republican People's Party) Chairman Ozgur Ozal did not delay in responding. Ozal said, "None of them are present, who has come forward? Bilal Erdogan. He worked, traveled, and spoke over the weekend. If Bilal Erdogan has entered the field, there are two possibilities. One, things are not going well in the AK Party, and two, the outcome will be bad when they expect results."

CHP Leader Özgür Özel spoke about the current issues in Balıkesir Susurluk. Özel criticized President Erdoğan's son Bilal Erdoğan's harsh reactions towards EYT and journalist Fatih Altaylı, saying "If Bilal Erdoğan is on the field, there are two possibilities. Either things are not going well in the AK Party, or the outcome will be bad when they expect results."


Here are some highlights from CHP leader Özgür Özel's statements: "They are against the flag, against the National Anthem, against the Republic. I have nothing to say to HÜDA-PAR. You cannot ask a microbe why it causes disease. A microbe is a microbe. But those who claim to be nationalist conservatives... Especially those who have HÜDA-PAR on one arm and Bahçeli on the other arm, next to Tayyip Bey. I ask Bahçeli, what do you say to HÜDA-PAR, Mr. Devlet? Who is with whom? They exploit the national and religious sentiments while collecting votes, they give support to those who are against the nation's flag, the National Anthem, and against Ankara being the capital. The hat has fallen, the bald head is revealed. If Aleppo is there, the inch is here. The unity, flag, and call to prayer of this nation are guaranteed by CHP."


(Regarding the events at Ayşenur's funeral) While we value this unity, they tried to do politics there. Our organization in Didim did not allow this political acrobatics. But does the game end with them? I heard this before, I called. Do not be unfair, do not create division at a martyr's funeral. Ayşenur Ezgi was our socialist child. The funeral belongs to all of us. They used the religious official and acted as if they were neutral for an hour... They can be neutral in Didim, but they will not deviate from Tayyip Bey's orders in Ankara. Such neutrality is unacceptable. I said it is shameful, pitiful what you did. I said do not use the religious official for this. They couldn't say a word, they patted our shoulders and left. Everyone is criticizing what they did. We will do confident politics without leaving the square to them, but without leaving what they did behind. They will find us against any injustice and hypocrisy in Turkey.


None of them are present, but who has come forward? Bilal Erdoğan. He worked, traveled, wandered, and spoke on the weekend. If Bilal Erdoğan is on the field, there are two possibilities. Either things are not going well in the AK Party, or the outcome will be bad when they expect results. 2019 local elections... İmamoğlu won the first election, Bilal Erdoğan is touring. In that association, in this lodge, he is touring. Bilal Erdoğan will make Binali Bey win that election... If Bilal Erdoğan is on the field, it means things are going bad. But this time, it's good that he came forward.


He said what his father couldn't say. He revealed everything, let's never take the microphone away from Bilal Erdoğan. Always let Bilal be in front of the cameras. He says Syrians have lower crime rates compared to Turks. He sees them as harmonious, wants to keep them here. We will send them after we remove your government first. Oh, they are cheap labor... How is it a conscience to show those who commit crimes every day as innocent as a newborn baby? This is the friend of Syrians, the opponent of this nation.


He said 'EYT was a big mistake'. He says 'No money from lying down'. You will applaud when Syrians receive a lot of money, but they say that people receive 12,500 liras with the efforts of CHP and 'they take this money and lie down'. Bilal Efendi, take the 12,500 liras and leave aside paying rent, educating children, and feeding yourself alone, let me see you once. We cannot expect those who see the 12,500 liras received by the poor retirees of this nation as too much, those who live off the state, and those who take the best places for free to understand the hunger of this nation.

It is not my habit to deal with the family, but since Bilal Bey, if you say 'My father cannot prevent the decline of the party, this party is going downhill, I can save it', if you come forward, wear the robe, you will get an answer. Don't say 'I am Erdoğan's son, he insulted me'. If you are doing politics, you will receive a response. There is only one answer to those who see Syrians superior to this nation and those who say 'they receive money lying down'. Your conscience and mercy have dried up. Nothing can cleanse you, but your father's party will be cleansed, bring it on..."

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