Omeonga, who previously played for teams such as Genoa, Avellino, and Pescara, and is currently playing for Israel's Bnei Sakhnin team, was unexpectedly forced off the plane at Rome's Fiumicino Airport during his journey from Belgium to Tel Aviv. ALLEGEDLY ON THE BLACKLISTAccording to allegations, he was accused of being on Israel's blacklist. The experiences of Omeonga, who was beaten and arrested by the police after the incident, became a hot topic on social media with a video shared online. "RACISM"Stephane Omeonga stated that he remained silent for five days before sharing his experience on social media, saying, "I didn't want to speak until I was sure everything was correct. However, what happened is completely wrong and outright racism." The footballer, who expressed that he was in Belgium during the Christmas holiday and had a layover in Rome on his return journey to Israel on December 25, said, "At check-in, there were no issues reported at border control or the boarding gate. However, just as the plane was about to take off, an official came to me and said there was a problem with my passport, asking me to get off the plane. I requested an explanation of the situation, but he threatened to call the police without providing any explanation. Everything got out of control at that point." "THE POLICE BEAT ME"Omeonga noted that the situation became even uglier, stating, "I was taken to a place where witnesses couldn't see. Here, I was thrown to the ground and beaten. One of the police officers pressed his knee on my head. I was then handcuffed and put into a car. When the ambulance arrived, I was in shock and unable to answer the paramedics' questions."