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President of Religious Affairs: Those who are not graduates of theology can no longer become imams.

President of Religious Affairs: Those who are not graduates of theology can no longer become imams.

27.06.2024 22:17

Ali Erbaş, the President of Religious Affairs, stated during his speech at the graduation ceremony of the Faculty of Theology that those who do not graduate from the theology department no longer have the opportunity to become even an imam. Erbaş also emphasized the importance of the Diyanet Academy in the training of religious officials, saying "A great revolution has taken place."

The President of Religious Affairs, Ali Erbaş, said, "In our presidency, our provincial muftis, district muftis, and preachers are all graduates of theology faculties. Those who are not graduates of theology faculties no longer have the opportunity to become even an imam."


Erbaş, in his speech at the 2023-2024 Graduation Ceremony of the Faculty of Theology held at Ankara University Beşevler 10th Year Campus Güneş Square, stated that the Islamic civilization is the civilization of knowledge and that Prophet Muhammad is the head teacher of this civilization.

President of Religious Affairs: Those who are not graduates of theology cannot become imams

Erbaş stated that the Islamic civilization beautifies people with its minarets, schools, and madrasas, and said, "Our theology graduate friends, brothers, and graduates will enter the Diyanet Academy, renew their knowledge there, and become imams, Quran course teachers, muezzins, preachers, muftis, or administrators in the Presidency of Religious Affairs."

In continuation of his words, Erbaş said, "Today, in our presidency, our provincial muftis, district muftis, and preachers are all graduates of theology faculties. Those who are not graduates of theology faculties no longer have the opportunity to become even an imam in the future. The establishment of the Diyanet Academy within the Presidency of Religious Affairs has been a great revolution."

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