66-year-old Sharon Stone recreated her iconic scene from the movie 'Basic Instinct' 32 years later, wearing red lace lingerie. Stone, who claimed to have lost millions after suffering a near-fatal stroke, surprised her fans by recreating this impressive scene. SCENE CAUSED CONTROVERSYSharon shared a stunning image on Instagram, wearing a red lace bodysuit. In the famous interrogation scene from the movie 'Basic Instinct', her character Catherine crosses and uncrosses her legs, shocking the police officers by not wearing any underwear. This scene was highly controversial at the time and is now considered one of the most famous scenes in film history. Sharon proudly showcased her incredible figure, paying homage to this legendary scene with her sexy lingerie. Although this scene made Sharon famous overnight, she claimed to have been "tricked" into exposing herself for the cameras in the past. In her memoir 'The Beauty of Living Twice', she described slapping the director Paul Verhoeven in anger and storming out of the preview after discovering that his assurances that the scene would not appear on screen were lies. Verhoeven vehemently denied Sharon's allegations. LOST $18 MILLION DUE TO ILLNESSIn an interview with The Hollywood Reporter, Sharon revealed that she lost the $18 million she had accumulated over more than twenty years in the film industry during the years she couldn't work due to her stroke. Stone mentioned that she struggled to regain basic functions due to brain damage and blamed those around her for mismanaging her money. She said it took her seven years to recover significantly from the stroke and stated, "I had accumulated $18 million from my successes, but when I checked my bank account, it was all gone." Stone also talked about the financial difficulties she faced due to medical bills and years of therapy caused by the subarachnoid hemorrhage. She described serious symptoms resulting from the bleeding in her brain, saying, "Blood flowed into my brain for nine days, so my brain was pushed to the front of my face. The position of my brain changed, which caused everything to change. My sense of smell, vision, and touch changed. I couldn't read for several years. I saw color patterns." The physical changes in her brain also altered her way of thinking. She said, "A Buddhist monk told me that I was reborn in the same body." She added, "I had a near-death experience and then came back."