The electric vehicle company Tesla and the owner of the platform known as "Twitter," American businessman Elon Musk, made striking statements about UK Prime Minister Keir Starmer in a social media post. Musk, who called for the release of far-right activist Tommy Robinson, who is imprisoned in the UK, stated, "Why is Tommy Robinson being held in solitary confinement for telling the truth? He should be released, and those who covered up this disgrace should be put in that cell instead." SHOCKING ACCUSATION AGAINST THE PRIME MINISTERIn his statement, Musk reiterated his criticisms of UK Prime Minister Keir Starmer, accusing him of not showing enough interest in the investigation of child abuse gangs during his time at the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS). Musk said, "In the UK, serious crimes like rape require the approval of the Crown Prosecution Service for the police to charge suspects. Who was the head of the CPS when rape gangs were allowed to exploit young girls without delivering them to justice? Keir Starmer, 2008-2013."