The incident that took place on Esra Erol's show shocked the viewers. A man named Okan, who claimed he was defrauded of 1 million 400 thousand TL by his girlfriend he met on social media, sought help on Erol's program. Okan stated on the show that he had been communicating with a woman named Aslı Ekinci online and had dreams of marriage, claiming he gave Aslı 1 million 400 thousand TL. While Okan was recounting this, the confession of a person who joined the broadcast left everyone in the studio and those watching in shock. THEY ONLY COMMUNICATED THROUGH THE APPOkan's story goes like this: Between 2022 and 2023, a woman he believed to be a teacher named Aslı Ekinci frequently asked Okan for money, saying, "I need it." Okan, who claimed he only communicated through the app, continuously sent this money to Aslı's landlord. "SHE TOLD ME 'YOU ARE A REAL MAN'"While recounting his experiences, Okan, who claimed he was not an easily trusting person, said, "I felt like I was in a trance. I couldn't think clearly. She told me I was a real man." Okan, who only had Murat Kandemir's phone number, was shocked to learn live on air that Aslı Ekinci, whom he thought was his girlfriend, was actually a man. HIS GIRLFRIEND, WHOM HE THOUGHT WAS A WOMAN, TURNED OUT TO BE A MANMurat Kandemir, who joined the broadcast by phone, confessed everything live, saying, "There was a correspondence on the virtual platform. There is no one named Aslı. I am the one who did the correspondence." After the confession, Esra Erol stated that reports regarding Kandemir had come in. THE WOMAN IN THE PHOTO ALSO CAME FORWARDWhile interesting moments unfolded live, the person whose photo was used under the name Aslı Ekinci joined the broadcast. "How could this happen? Where did you get my photo? I will sue you. My name is different; only my photo was used," she said.