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Statement from the Ministry of National Defense: We are prepared for any scenario regarding the "Third World War".

Statement from the Ministry of National Defense: We are prepared for any scenario regarding the

27.06.2024 18:26

Foreign Minister Hakan Fidan drew attention to the increasing risk of a Third World War in a recent interview he attended. Responding to questions about Fidan's remarks, sources from the Ministry of National Defense stated, "No one, including our country, wants a dark scenario like the Third World War, but it should be noted that our Army is ready for any kind of scenario."

After the Weekly Press Briefing, sources from the Ministry of National Defense answered questions regarding the increased war claims following the statement of Foreign Minister Hakan Fidan, "The world should take the risk of the Third World War seriously. We take it seriously as well."

Sources stating the possibility of a risk, said, "If you ask if there is an overall risk like in the First and Second World Wars, of course there is a possibility. As the Ministry of National Defense, we make our evaluations regarding our defense and security and update all our plans in the light of new assessments. We can easily say that we are one of the most prepared countries. The Turkish Armed Forces (TSK) is already a dynamic army. It operates in many geographies with continuous activities. It has tested and approved its own plans and logistics. It also carries out peace support activities in many parts of the world. Nobody wants a dark picture like the Third World War, especially our country, but it should be noted that our Army is ready for any scenario."


Sources from the Ministry of National Defense responded to the question regarding the images on social media showing Turkish Armed Forces (TSK) establishing checkpoints in some civilian populated areas in northern Iraq, saying, "It is out of the question for the TSK to enter civilian populated areas and establish checkpoints there. Checkpoints in residential areas and areas close to our operation area are established by local Iraqi authorities, and good coordination is maintained with the Iraqi side regarding this matter."

Furthermore, regarding the current situation of the Joint Operation Center to be established with Iraq, it was stated that "Technical work is ongoing. A command center will be established. Technical work and negotiations for determining the details continue positively."


Ministry sources also responded to questions regarding the recent detention of some active-duty soldiers in FETO operations, saying, "Our struggle against FETO continues with sensitivity. This struggle continues based on new information and documents. Since this is a process with continuity, when information and documents come from any source, after the evaluation of intelligence units, prosecutors take action. The Turkish Armed Forces (TSK) is one of the most sensitive institutions in the fight against FETO, because the institution that suffers the most from this situation is the TSK. Therefore, our struggle will continue as long as new information and documents emerge."


Foreign Minister Hakan Fidan, in a live broadcast, responded to the question "Is there a risk of the Third World War?" by drawing attention to the wars in Gaza and Ukraine: "There is such a risk. The world should take the risk of the Third World War seriously. We take it seriously. The massacre in Gaza is a genocide that divides humanity in half. The genocide in Gaza is a subject that humanity focuses on at a certain point, comes to the same point and frequency. On the other hand, there is a structure that opposes this. This structure also has an ongoing issue in Ukraine."

As long as the war continues, this risk will continue. There is no escape from this. Because both sides will have to use more qualified and different weapons, game-changing methods to inflict more damage on each other. Everything is at stake, so there is a possibility of spreading to other places after proxies come into play."

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