Minister of National Education Yusuf Tekin answered journalists' questions regarding the delayed payments for teachers before the AKP group meeting. Tekin stated, "Our procedure regarding master instructors and paid teachers works like this; we allocate a certain number of classes to the budget each year." He continued, "Throughout the year, the courses opened, the number of trainees, and the class hours sometimes exceed the limit defined for us. For instance, let's say we open 60 million hours of courses in a year. Sometimes this number exceeds the limit defined in the budget. When it exceeds, the President's Strategy Chief and the Minister of Treasury and Finance meet our requests. Right now, all the problems of these friends have been resolved. They will receive their payments today or tomorrow." INTERVIEW STATEMENTSpeaking about the interviews, Tekin said, "If a friend says, 'I was treated unfairly in the interview,' they have been wronged. We want those who are in this situation to evaluate their appeal processes. Other than that, I don't know what other grievances could exist?" ANNOUNCED THE NUMBER OF SYRIAN STUDENTSTekin stated that they continuously monitor the timeline for the return of Syrians in Turkey, saying, "Regarding the education processes in Syria, we communicate with the relevant authorities there through our Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and we carry out our responsibilities, such as providing support, program development, teacher training, books, publications, and similar tasks as requested. According to the figures from last week, we have nearly 900,000 Syrian students. The Ministry of Interior informs us through the governorships about how many of them plan to return. We are also taking the necessary precautions," he concluded.