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Teoman praises President Erdoğan: He has such a charismatic power.

Teoman praises President Erdoğan: He has such a charismatic power.

27.06.2024 21:42

Singer Teoman praised President Erdoğan during a program he attended, saying, "Erdoğan has such a charismatic power that when he shows himself, he can influence many people behind him." Teoman also made comments about Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality Mayor Ekrem İmamoğlu and Ankara Metropolitan Municipality Mayor Mansur Yavaş.

Singer Teoman said in a television program that President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has such a charismatic power that when he shows himself, he can influence many people.

Teoman, who participated in a program hosted by Candas Tolga Isik on TV100, gave an interesting answer to the question "Is politics leaning right in the world?" Teoman replied, "Weird! It's a very interesting world. But you can evaluate Turkey differently. The Welfare Party received 7% of the votes, nationalists lost votes, and so on..."


Teoman emphasized the importance of personality cult in Turkey and said, "Erdogan has such a charismatic power that when he shows himself, he can influence many people."


When asked by the host, "Do you see a similar charisma in Imamoglu and Yavas when you look at the election results?" Teoman replied, "I wouldn't say similar, but it is certain that they are charismatic figures."

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