A suspect who escaped from prison in Adana made a post on social media saying, "Look closely at the license plates, maybe you'll find them," after which he was caught at his girlfriend's house by the Çukurova and Seyhan police, who had been following her for 3 days. Allegedly, Oğulcan Ş. escaped from prison 4 months ago. Oğulcan Ş., who has an arrest warrant for 123 different crimes including fraud, drug use, and carrying an unlicensed weapon, drew attention with his post saying, "Look closely at the license plates, maybe you'll find them." Following this post, the teams from the Crime Prevention and Investigation Bureau of the Çukurova District Police Department began to pursue Oğulcan Ş. THEY FOLLOWED HIS GIRLFRIEND AND CAUGHT THE SUSPECTÇukurova police stopped Oğulcan Ş.'s car on Adnan Menderes Boulevard. However, the fugitive was not found in the car during the search. Following this, the Çukurova police began to follow the suspect's girlfriend. After tracking the young woman for 3 days, the police determined that Oğulcan Ş. was hiding in a house in the Yeşiloba neighborhood of Seyhan district. WHEN CAUGHT IN HIS HOUSE, HE TOLD POLICE 'I DIDN'T EXPECT YOU'Police from the Seyhan and Çukurova District Police Departments caught Oğulcan Ş. during a raid on his house. It was claimed that the captured suspect told the police, "I didn't expect you at all." During the search of the house, a long-barreled gun, an unlicensed pistol, 35 bullets, a bulletproof vest, a quantity of drugs, and a precision scale were seized. Oğulcan Ş., who reportedly defended himself by saying, "I had enemies. I kept them with me for self-defense," was handed over to the Adana Courthouse and then to prison after his procedures at the Fatih Police Station. It is also being investigated whether the seized weapons had been used in any previous incidents.