AK Party Elazığ Provincial Chairman Şerafettin Yıldırım was a guest on the program of the local channel Kanal Fırat. Yıldırım's response to the "nepotism" question posed by journalist Zeki Akbıyık left a significant mark on the broadcast. "I LEAVE INITIATIVE TO MY DISTRICT CHAIRMAN"Making a statement about the recruitment processes, Yıldırım said, "When there is a hiring in any institution in a district, I leave the initiative to the district chairman. Because the people of that region will work there." THE JOURNALIST INTERJECTEDUpon Yıldırım's remarks, the journalist interjected, asking, "Mr. Chairman, the district chairman becomes a reference, isn't that unfair?" HIS RESPONSE SPARKED DEBATESIn response, Yıldırım said, "Well, it has to be this way, my dear." Yıldırım's response sparked debates. Some users criticized Yıldırım based on the concepts of merit and justice.