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The announcement of the village headman, who rebelled against the excessive water consumption of the villagers, made people smile.

The announcement of the village headman, who rebelled against the excessive water consumption of the villagers, made people smile.

27.06.2024 20:52

The announcement made by the muhtar, who protested against the excessive water consumption of the villagers in the Alaca district of Çorum, through the mosque loudspeaker, brought a smile to the viewers. The footage, which was captured by a citizen's camera, received a lot of likes when shared on social media.

In the village of Gazipaşa, which is connected to the Alaca district of Çorum, the tap water became insufficient due to the increase in population during the Eid al-Adha. In response to the incident, the village headman Muttalip Gül expressed his frustration through an announcement from the mosque's call to prayer system. Gül stated that the water pumps were running for 24 hours, but the water was still insufficient, saying "It's a shame. You pray, you fast. It's not right to do such things. There are water leaks in front of your doors and you don't say anything. You come from Istanbul, from Ankara, and you stop here and use the water. You eat your cucumbers, you eat your tomatoes, and then you run away. It's not right, neighbors. The motor is running for 24 hours. But there is no water coming to this village. It's a shame, it makes people frustrated. And then you say 'the headman doesn't take care of the village, the headman doesn't let the water flow.' It's a shame, it's not right for this village" These words made the villagers smile.


Talking about those moments, Headman Gül said that they experienced water problems in the village during the summer season due to the increase in population. Gül stated that he made the announcement to draw attention to water usage and said, "After the announcement, our villagers also took our call into consideration. There was an improvement in water usage. I think it would be beneficial for other village headmen to make these kinds of announcements as well."

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