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The beauty of Turkey, İdil Bilgen, did not start her duty in Yayladere, where she was appointed.

The beauty of Turkey, İdil Bilgen, did not start her duty in Yayladere, where she was appointed.

25.09.2024 14:31

Idil Bilgen, who won Miss Turkey 2024, was appointed as a doctor in the Yayladere district of Bingöl after graduating from Koç University Faculty of Medicine. However, it has been reported that she has not yet started her duty despite the 15-day period having expired, and she did not make any application during this time. If Bilgen does not submit a request for excuse, she has the right to participate in the next state service lottery.

In the Miss Turkey 2024 beauty pageant, while 20 finalists fiercely compete for the title of Turkey's most beautiful girl, harsh comments directed at the first chosen winner, İdil Bilgen, a graduate of Koç University Faculty of Medicine, have become a topic of discussion. Bilgen had stated in her interviews that she wanted to continue her career as a doctor and planned to specialize in oncology.


Young doctor İdil Bilgen was appointed to the Community Health Center in the Yayladere district of Bingöl through the 118th Term State Service Obligation lottery of the Ministry of Health. The people of Yayladere, which is at an altitude of 1650 meters and is the third smallest district in Turkey by population, are eagerly awaiting Bilgen's arrival in the region.

Turkey's beauty İdil Bilgen has not started her duty in Yayladere


While the local people are eagerly waiting for the beauty of Turkey, tradesman Mehmet Emin Erdem said, "As someone who lives here, we sincerely want Doctor Bilgen to be among us. Healthcare workers practice a sacred profession, and we would be happy to see her here. We are also eagerly waiting to offer her a bitter coffee," he stated.

Tradesman Zülfü Değer said, "Our district is a perfect place with its nature and people. It is a great need for our doctor to come here. We are currently experiencing serious deficiencies in healthcare services; we have to either travel 108 kilometers to Bingöl or cover 150-200 kilometers to Elazığ. The arrival of the lady doctor will provide great benefits for the people living here. At least she will have the opportunity to get to know this beautiful region," he expressed.


İdil Bilgen, who was chosen as Turkey's beauty in the MISS Turkey 2024 Beauty Pageant and appointed as a doctor to the Yayladere district of Bingöl through the 118th term State Service Obligation (DHY) lottery of the Ministry of Health, has not started her duty despite 15 days having passed. It has been learned that Bilgen did not make any application during this period, and she can submit a request for excuse to the Provincial Health Directorate within 2 months to start her duty. If she does not submit a request for excuse within the specified period, it has been reported that she can apply for the next State Service Obligation lottery, which is held every 6 months.

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