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The blood of our martyrs did not go in vain! The so-called leader of the terrorist organization, Ali Dinçer, was killed.

The blood of our martyrs did not go in vain! The so-called leader of the terrorist organization, Ali Dinçer, was killed.

27.06.2024 21:22

In the pinpoint operation carried out by MIT in Syria, the alleged leader of the terrorist organization PKK/YPG, Ali Dinçer, who was wanted by Interpol with a red notice, was neutralized. It was learned that Dinçer personally participated in the terrorist attack in Dağlıca in 2007, where 12 of our soldiers were martyred.

The MIT neutralized Ali Dinçer, the so-called Jazira responsible of the terrorist organization PKK/YPG, who is wanted by Interpol with a red notice, with a pinpoint operation in the Kamishli region of Syria.


It was learned that Ali Dinçer, with the code name Orhan Bingöl, was directly involved in the attack on the Commando battalion in Dağlıca in 2007, where 12 of our soldiers were martyred and 16 of our soldiers were injured, and the attacks on the Aktütün Gendarmerie Station in 2008.

MIT's pinpoint operation to Syria! Terrorist organization's so-called leader Ali Dinçer killed
MIT's pinpoint operation to Syria! Terrorist organization's so-called leader Ali Dinçer killed
MIT's pinpoint operation to Syria! Terrorist organization's so-called leader Ali Dinçer killed

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